Home Study & Online Courses

Can't find an EBFA workshop in your area or prefer to further your education in the comfort of your own home? The new EBFA Online Education Division is your solution! Not only do the online courses offer additional means for earning CEC's, but also allow you to reference back and review each course at your own pace.

All courses offered through the EBFA Online Education Division are accredited by some of the top personal training certifying bodies, including ACSM, NFPT, ACE and NASM.

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Barefoot Training Specialist® Level 1 Certification

As the foundation to all EBFA education the BTS Level 1 Certification sets the foundation for advanced concepts in barefoot activation, reflexive stabilization and movement efficiency. With the foot as the only contact point between the body and the ground, this complex structure plays a critical role in the way in which our body stabilizes during dynamic movement. In ths Level 1 Certification get ready to explore how to prep the body for movement by tapping into the nervous system with barefoot science, foot to core sequencing and reflexive stability via fascial lines.


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BioHack Your Body: Anti-Aging Secrets for Movement Longevity

Aging. An inevitable aspect of humanity that we cannot stop - however with advances in science there are now many daily rituals we can do which can dramatically slow down the aging process. Join Functional Podiatrist, Human Movement Specialist and (in training) Fellow in Anti-Aging & Regenerative Medicine Dr Emily Splichal as she explores how we can "hack" our way to a younger self. As a movement specialist her passion lies in the application of anti-aging science as it relates to movement longevity.

Part 1: Collagen Crosslinks & the Fascial Fountain of Youth
Part 2: The Neurology of Aging & Motor Control
Part 3: Inflammation - Friend or Foe?
Part 4: BioHack Bonuses & The Complete Movement Longevity Program


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Biopsychosocial Influences on Movement Dysfunction & Chronic Pain

Human beings are very complex with each patient or client presentation uniquely personal. From anatomy and physiology to emotional regulation and interpersonal relationships, all aspects of our emotions and environment must be considered when approaching movement dysfunction and chronic pain.

Part 1: Somatic Syndromes, Medically Unexplained, Pain and the Manifestation of Emotions as Illness
Part 2: Chronic Pain, Medically Unexplained, Pain Science
Part 3: Types of Memory, Subconscious Development, Attachment Theory
Part 4: The Healing Journey from Chronic Pain to Consciousness


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Brain Awakening Lecture Series

At EBFA Global we are dedicated to the integration of sensory science and emotional processing with movement optimization. Throughout the BRAIN AWAKENING Lecture Series you will learn about cognitive health, polyvagal theory, neurogenesis, gut brain axis, interoception and somatic experiencing.

Learn from guest educators on the topic of optimal brain, cognitive and emotional balancing with age. This series was recorded at the 2019 Barefoot Strong Summit


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Feet, Fascia and Functional Movement

The dynamic control of functional movement is deeply integrated on the body's perception of the outside world.

Join Dr Emily Splichal for this 3 part online series as we explore the latest research on how our feet, fascia and functional movement are even more integrated than we currently realize.

From fascial tensioning to fascial elasticity our fascia plays a role in how we perceive, store and transfer forces during dynamic movement. This webinar series will prepare you how to train your clients for more efficient and precise movement.

Part 1: Fascial Tensioning & the Future of Proprioceptive Training
Part 2: Fascial Elasticity and the Future of Energy Transfer
Part 3: Foot Function and Fascial Lines


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The Functional Foot & Ankle **NEWEST COURSE BY EBFA GLOBAL**

The organized actions of the foot and ankle complex are often overlooked and misunderstood in the movement industry. This adaptive lever plays a critical role in every upright action from human locomotion to squats and lunges.

Join Functional Podiatrist and Global Educator Dr Emily Splichal as she explores her expertise of bridging Podiatry with Fitness & Movement.

Part 1: Introduction to foot & ankle anatomy and biomechanics
Part 2: Forefoot pathology and imbalances such as bunions, neuromas, stress fractures
Part 3: Midfoot pathology and imbalances such as plantar fibromas, posterior tibial tendinitis, cuboid syndrome
Part 4: Rearfoot pathology and imbalances Achilles tendinitis, plantar fascial tears, tarsal tunnel syndrome


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The Future of Movement Longevity

This 4 part online series focuses on the concept of movement longevity and how we can apply concepts of barefoot science, collagen cross links and the neurology of aging into a program that ensures years of pain-free and efficient movement!

Join Dr Emily Splichal as she explores the science behind impact forces and energy transfer and how shoes, surfaces and orthotics impede our ability to move efficiently. Learn tricks on how to optimize movement in the unnatural environment in which we exist!

Part 1: Understanding Impact Forces in a Shod Society
Part 2: The Collagen Crosslink Connection
Part 3: Barefoot Baby Boomers & the Neurology of Aging
Part 4: A Movement Longevity Lifestyle


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Interoception : Controlling Emotion with Motion

Imagine taking the concept of human movement or movement science to a level that you can actually influence your client's emotions. Join Dr Emily Splichla for this 3 part online series that WILL CHANGE YOUR PRACTICE forever. From understanding the evoluation of emotion to the power of mirroring on emotion. Learn how to build a deeper meaning of mind body practice into your sessions and open a whole new pathway to help clients, patients and athletes tap into their primitive emotional system.

Part 1: Intro to Interoception, Body Brain Axis, Vagal Tone
Part 2: Evolution of Emotions, Empathy, Flow & Superfluidity
Part 3: Affective Embodiment, Dance Therapy & Interbodiliy Resonance


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Movement from the Ground Up

In this 4 part online series you will learn how barefoot science and foot activation are the foundation to faster stability and efficiency which translates to more functional movement. Join Podiatrist Dr Emily Splichal as she explores how to improve foot to core sequencing through co-activation patterns, joint coupling and myofascial integration.

Part 1: Introduction to from the ground up training.
Part 2: Introduction to from the ground up functional movement.
Part 3: Introduction to from the ground up movement efficiency.
Part 4: Introduction to from the ground up programming.


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Pelvic Balance Lecture Series

The PELVIC BALANCE Lecture Series integrates with EBFA Global’s current educational line-up by following our philosophy about fascial fitness, from the ground up movement and breath to pelvic floor connections. PELVIC BALANCE teaches the student to deeply understand the function of the integrated pelvic floor and it’s fascial attachments, to effectively assess pelvic function and develop integrated rehabilitation programming for the pelvis.

Topics include:
– Male versus female pelvic floor anatomy
– Common pelvic floor imbalances
– Breath: pelvic floor rhythms
– Pelvic floor release and activation techniques


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